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No more paper or plastic decisions!


 Experience the convenience  of

shopping with these mixable


 reusable Totes  

The Lifestyle Carryall tote mixable system is a solution to the need for environmentally conscious, reusable, shopping cart totes.The reusable tote organizing advantages provides efficiency, saves money, and promotes grocery sorting ease during the shopping checkout process.

your shopping
Lifestyle Carryall
Mix 2
 in 1 up to
5 in 1 Reusable









"I love this must have Lifestyle Carryall!"


The quality is supreme and durable, it's water resistant, fashionable and

practical  for multiple uses. I can shop retail, grocery or pack it full of outdoor event or occasion items. The 2 in 1 Lifestyle Carryall tote option is fantastic for much needed versatility and convince while shopping."  


T. Romano 

      What People Are Saying
Shop with Style
& Save with pride
 A gift that keeps giving
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